
Update 4-19-16

Update 4-19-16 Since the last Update, the wheels of justice grind slowly. However, the campaign to free political prisoner, Kurtis Monschke, a young man wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life without parole for a crime he did not commit nor could he have committed, given the evidence at trial, is, in spite of the system, […]

Kurtis’ Recommended Links

Victims of the state .org Accused.com Innocent inmates.org Sbsdefense.com Manipulated trial.de Prison policy.org Friends of justice. WordPress.com People against prison abuse.com Wells of justice.com Banned-in-america.net Sts wrongful convictions.webs.com Innocence denied.com Justice denied.com Americas wrongfully convicted.com False allegations.com Fore justice.org Proving innocence.net Humanity for prisoners.blogspot.com Multiply justice.org

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